Regardless of which package you choose to safeguard your loved ones, you can rest assured that you’ll get help when and where you need it. When a medical emergency occurs, don’t let cost impact your decision to call 911.
Ensures Washoe County ground and regional air transport for your entire household during medical emergencies, eliminating concern about cost/location when calling 911.
Covers the costs of medically necessary ground transports, providing peace of mind in emergencies.
Washoe County only
Provides emergency medical air transport across 50,000 square miles in Nevada and California, ensuring assistance whenever and wherever you need it.
Terms and Conditions are available here. For additional information call 775-858-5745.
Care Flight Ground in Plumas County offers a ground membership plan that is designed to cover reasonable, out-of-pocket costs if medically necessary ground ambulance transport is needed. For only $69 a year, a Sierra Saver membership covers your household.
A medical emergency can strike anyone unexpectedly, and financial concerns shouldn’t be your first worry. REMSA Health’s Membership Plus offers peace of mind by covering the costs of medically necessary transports for your household.
Although it’s not insurance, it helps protect against out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your insurance or Medicare. With three different packages available, Membership Plus can be tailored to fit the unique needs of each household.
Membership Log InCare Flight rotor-wing service area covers approximately 50,000 square miles of California and Nevada. Each base (indicated with a red marker) aids those within a ~150 mile radius, helping people in and out of the following counties:
Care Flight is a member of the Association of Air Medical Membership Programs (AAMMP). Membership Plus’ Care Flight Package is included in the AAMMP and will be honored for emergency air medical transportation by the following reciprocal programs (subject to change):