Recently, REMSA’s launched a tiered response model. The news segment from Aging and Awesome featured below offers a clear explanation about how using a variety of healthcare provider levels for an out-of-hospital medical response is an effective and safe way to help patients access the healthcare they need – which can range from an urgent […]
REMSA recently announced the newest additions to its Field Training Officer (FTO) program. Andrew Massey, REMSA EMS Supervisor and FTO program coordinator works with Ryan Ramsdell, EMS Supervisor and FTO program coordinator to oversee the FTO program. We talked with Andrew and two of the newest FTOs- Andy Sahagun, Paramedic and Savanah Green, Advanced Emergency […]
UPDATED: October 13, 2020 Thank you for your interest in REMSA’s Homebound Flu Vaccine program. Due to a national shortage of the high dose influenza vaccine combined with a high community response, REMSA is no longer able to provide the high dose vaccine to our community. However, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommends the […]
When you think about the experts at REMSA and Care Flight, what probably comes to mind are the flight nurses, paramedics, EMTs and medical dispatchers. Or maybe the mechanics and logistics technicians that keep everything stocked and running. But there’s another department in the organization bursting with expertise, compassion, confidence, skills and success – REMSA’s […]
Since 2000, the Red Cross and Red Crescent have recognized the second Saturday in September as World First Aid Day to acknowledge that first aid training plays an important role in preventing injuries and saving lives. At REMSA, our paramedics and EMTs are continuously trained and certified in the most current life-saving techniques such as […]
At REMSA, care starts with the call when one of our medically trained emergency medical dispatchers answers your 9-1-1 call. The region’s first, first responders – REMSA’s medical dispatchers – provide care and sometimes lifesaving instructions – over the phone until paramedics arrive at your emergency. In this short video, you’ll hear from REMSA’s medical […]
The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) announces that beginning in August, it will offer additional levels of out-of-hospital patient care through its 9-1-1 ambulance response in Washoe County. By expanding the emergency medical services (EMS) system to include more care provider levels, REMSA is able to ensure that the highest level of emergency medical […]
For more than 34 years, REMSA has met the community’s growing out-of-hospital health care needs. One of the best ways to do that is to have only one dispatch center providing emergency medical care over the phone, before the paramedics arrive. Right now, REMSA’s paramedic and EMT dispatchers provide lifesaving care when you call 911. […]
Happy Birthday America! Fourth of July celebrations will look and feel a little different this year. Regardless of how you celebrate, follow these safety and wellness tips from REMSA. Be sure to maintain social distancing, wear a mask and wash your hands.
With more pedestrians and bicyclists on the road and in your neighborhood, the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) advises on how you can stay safe and active outdoors as Nevada continues with its Roadmap to Recovery reopening plan. While walking, running, hiking or riding your bike is great exercise for you and your family, […]