REMSA has received a $20,000 grant from the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), to educate the public about pedestrian safety in order to decrease injuries and deaths in Washoe County. The grant will be implemented with many regional partners, including the Washoe County School District (WCSD), the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), and regional law enforcement […]
Often times an afternoon of fun in the snow can lead to careless injuries. By taking the right safety steps, these injuries can be prevented. In particular, sledding causes a high percentage of snow play injuries. REMSA and Care Flight would like to offer some safety tips to keep playing in the snow safe. Tips […]
Before you travel for the holidays, make sure your children are truly safe in the car. The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) is offering free car seat installation and inspection check point as part of its Point of Impact community outreach program. REMSA’s Point of Impact program encourages parents to ensure their car seats are […]
The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) congratulates Don Vonarx, retiring chief operating officer on his long and significant EMS career. “We wish Don the very best on his retirement,” said Dean Dow, president and CEO, REMSA. “Don’s contributions to EMS, and more importantly to REMSA, over the last 25 years have been significant and […]
REMSA, the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority based in northern Nevada, has released a new comprehensive White Paper that provides detailed information on its highly successful Community Health Programs. These nationally-acclaimed programs were launched in 2012 after REMSA received funding through a $9.1 million Health Care Innovation Award grant from the Center for Medicare & […]
The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) will start hosting bleeding control classes, Stop the Bleed, for the community starting in September. Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con) educates community members on how to perform immediate and basic lifesaving interventions prior to receiving definitive medical care. “We are living in a world where active shootings […]
REMSA has issued precautionary instructions on dealing with the unhealthy air quality conditions. For those with respiratory conditions, or those considered in the sensitive group for air quality conditions, REMSA strongly suggests taking these precautions: Reduce or eliminate any of your more strenuous outdoor activities Limit physical activities in general if you are experiencing symptoms […]
On Tuesday, May 2, through a proclamation by The Plumas County Board of Supervisors, Care Flight Ground will be recognized for its leadership with the town’s Heart Safe Community movement. A Heart Safe Community designation indicates that a community, region or state has established community-wide protocols and safeguards intended to give victims of sudden cardiac […]
The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems will conduct an accreditation site visit of Care Flight on June 1 and 2, 2017. The purpose of the site visit will be to evaluate the program’s compliance with nationally established medical transport standards. The site visit results will be used to determine whether, and the conditions […]
The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) has been awarded the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline EMS Gold Plus Award for implementing quality improvement measures for the treatment of patients who experience heart attacks. Last year, REMSA was the first emergency medical services provider in northern Nevada and at that time, the only private EMS […]